Hand made- Artistic studies of letter form and typography

Here is a slideshow of the reference images in order and numbered each slide in connection to the designs I made inspired by them. I was originally looking at complex Gothic style text but determined I didn’t have enough time to create an in depth original Gothic typeface.


Hand made- Experiment, wire media test

here I used wire to add a little physical difference to the piece threading cable wires I found on the street from an old USB cable. Due to the fact the casing on these wires Is red, white and green, the exact same colour scheme as my final piece It fit perfectly.

The design is to show semblance of graffiti art using wall features in the design, namely housing external phone wires as the design for the headphones cable.

Hand made- Other influential artists in my project


N.C. Winters

Though not avid with text based illustrations their are a few cases, however more importantly his style and method of drawing resonate with my own due to the use of fine-liner and detail and his taste, this makes him key to help me understand better methods of applying type using my own style.

n.c.winter 1n.c.winters 2

Edwardo Recife

After researching his work I like the stark use of imagery with simplistic expressive background and both simple and decorative typeface. Hopefully I’l take inspiration with this in my design to prevent me from going into too much detail, and concentrate on localised areas of the piece.

artist- eduardo reclife

Hand made- Experiment, wax media surface

Here I used matchsticks to create a boundary to help confine and direct the flow of melted wax and likewise create a smooth edge.


Here is the weren’t finalised, though the waxes weren’t particularity visible on the board the white coloured wax applied later was a definite improvement. This process could be used to create wax type or wax borders. However the design is confined to the flexibility of the object used to obstruct is, as well as the process being lengthy and hard to control, prone to mistakes.

Hand made- Developed concept design with media experimentation


Here I began to create a final prototype for the “illustration” typeface, while creating a more detailed reference for my final to grasp a better understanding of its layout. The imagery is inspired by graffiti and skateboard decals using a graphic but complex design.

This typeface was chosen due to its design possessing rigid structure however displays thought in the design through the method its compacted. This gives a sense of detail but also an organised, compact and constructed feel.

Illustrator- Illustration- Final concept.JPG

The media used here is also experimented with to observe its appeal, the most successful features are the use of watercolour and fine-liner for the brain and white oil pastel pencil, for the outline and smoke.

Additional I created a textural wax resist piece in the top right hand corner overlayed with the white pencil.


This above is the final  design of the illuminated text, the first attempt though similar to the second is hard to decifer, through small alterations in drawn texture and shading its made more clear. This effect was created through altering the trails of smoke connecting each letter to be more detailed and therefore, darker, visually separating it from the text. while all the text is produced from the glowing tip of the cigarette.